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Codezy Infosolutions LLP
About Us
.We take great pride in the team we've brought together at CodEzy. Comprising highly skilled, talented, and innovative IT professionals, each team member possesses expertise in their specific domain. Their collective experience covers the entire spectrum of custom software development, encompassing small entrepreneurial projects to the creation of intricate systems for prominent corporations. Over the past decade, our team members have been dedicated to software development, employing a component-based, multi-layered, and object-oriented application architecture at CodEzy. This strategic approach ensures a distinct separation of coding responsibilities and concerns, leading to applications that are robust, easily maintainable, and scalable. Our team is well-versed in a variety of architectures, such as legacy architecture, onion architecture, clean architecture, and Microservices architecture, with successful implementations.
Codezy Infosolutions LLP
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630/B Sadiccha, Jawaharnagar, Kolhapur